Thursday, February 12, 2015

Back To The Cold

Tomorrow morning we will be leaving this paradise and heading into the snow and ice of Ohio. Well, we will probably only make it to Kentucky, but I can't imagine it is very warm there. We have had a great 6 weeks and have been blessed to be able to do this. We visited Mary and Jerry one more time today. We got to laughing at the way we have been almost free-loading on this trip to Destin. Jerry was making fun of the way we had to pay next to nothing for our penthouse. We realized we even free loaded when we visited him. They couldn't remember the combination to the beach-access gate used by their condo, so all of this time we have been breaking into the gate used by the condos next door to him. This afternoon, while we were sitting there free loading, a man brought a table down and told us they were going to have a wine and cheese party FOR US later in the afternoon. We thanked him like we knew that we were entitled to that, without letting him know that 2 of us were from a different condo and the other 2 were just simple free loaders. We laughed hysterically after he left. Jerry started calling us squatters, which made us laugh even more! We will have stories to tell!

The best thing about being in Destin is seeing my sister, Barb. It has been too long. Our lives are totally different, but we discovered that we laugh alike, look similar, and even have mannerisms that are the same. We are proud of our heritage and eager to share our family traditions with those around us. Thank you Mom and Dad, for making all of this trip possible. I wouldn't be surprised if they were looking down on us smiling at the sight of us together. That always made them happy!

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