Wednesday, February 11, 2015

In Search of Margaritaville

Friday we walked the beach, had lunch at the Boat House with Mary and Jerry, and walked along the Harbor Walk investigating the shops along the way. Our mission was to find Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville to buy T-shirts for friends up north. The Harbor Walk also had docks with boats used for fishing excursions and tours. We saw a lot of people coming back with the catch of the day. The fish was cleaned on the spot, which attracted several pelicans. We got a great picture of them, as they did not seem too afraid of all the humans in the area. They concentrated only on the fish that were being cleaned.

We finally found Margaritaville and were able to make our purchases. We caught this great picture of Earl's shopping experience and enjoyed the Florida sun in the chairs outside the store.

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