Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hotel Amadeus

Hot, hot, hot! We are in another small room with a double bed, one small window and a FAN. The bathroom is much bigger and is on the opposite side of our room off the entryway. We immediately scored big points by breaking the lock on our door. The concierge is going to love us! I decided I better pay her compliments whenever I can so she doesn't think we are rude Americans. The bed is pretty comfortable, but who can sleep with all the trains and noise from the street. I think the teenagers must sleep till noon then stay up all night roaming the streets. I am actually less comfortable with the townies here than in Amsterdam. There are young kids hanging out everywhere in groups. They look like they have nothing to do, so I keep a tight watch over my belongings. We are not far from the heart of town in which there is a beautiful town sqare loaded with cafes. I slept with a wet towel over my face last night to beat the heat. I think I have developed a little cold as well that seems to be settling in my throat. Oh well, who needs sleep anyway.

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