Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Welcome to my travel blog! I may not be a gifted writer, but I want to use this blog to share some of the travel adventures I experience with those who are interested. I was bitten by the travel bug in 1972, when my parents put me on a plane to Tours, France to spend my Junior year of college studying French at the Institute de Touraine. I lived with a French family, took courses at the Institute, and had the opportunity to travel extensively through Europe. That experience changed my life forever. Not only did I discover that I had a passion for foreign languages and world cultures, I also learned that I needed to experience more of the world. Since that year, I have been blessed to travel to Europe two more times, Costa Rica, Mexico, Cuba, and have even visited the tip of Africa. Needless to say, I am eager to experience more places. My "bucket list" is getting longer every day! So, as travel opportunities arise, I will post my adventures here to share with my family and friends. I hope you enjoy the ride!

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