Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Trying to Get to Amsterdam

My current trip is to travelto Amsterdam to attend a math conference with Pam. Don't even laugh at the thought of me at a math conference.We are currently sitting on the Tarmac of the first leg of our trip to Europe. We can't even get out of Cleveland. No problem. Pam and I ate Chex Mix for lunch. On second hand, we have a problem. 1. Weather in Cleveland and Detroit. 2. One of the fire cylinders in the luggage compartment was half full, therefore all the luggage had to be removed. Our luggage will not arrive on this flight with us. 3. We had to de-plane till they figured out what to do. 4. We re-boarded and are currently sitting at the gate. 5. Did I just hear the attendant say that the plane will be off balance because we have no luggage? All of this fun has taken place in CLEVELAND. Who needs adventures outside of the country! We fianlly made it to Detroit with not a minute to spare. So much for being able to walk in the airport before boarding the next flight. Our flight to Amsterdam was filled with abundance; food galore, drinks, movies, music, pillows and blankets. I loaded my purse with leftovers in case it will be a while before we eat again. My passport is going to smell like a banana! No sleepon the plane. Will arrive in Amsterdam near 10:00 am.

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