Sunday, July 28, 2013

Travel to Enschede

Friday, July, 26, 2013. I've decided I don't enjoy lugging my bags all over Europe. I used to do it with ease, but my body is definitely not as strong. Pam and I had so much fun getting our bags down the 3 flights of winding stairs in our Amsterdam hotel. We made a luggage brigade. I stood at the top of the steps and slid each bag to her at the bottom. Then, of course we had to load up and walk to the station. It always seems like an eternity with so much weight on my back. We found our train to Enschede (pronounced ON-skeduh). We have the luxury of traveling in the first class compartment using our Eurail passes. We basically had the entire compartment to ourselves. It was raining, but I ejoyed the Dutch coutryside filled with small villages and farms, some houses with thatched roofs, lots of horses and open fields. The last leg of our trip was under construction, so we had to take a bus into Enschede and walk another mile or so to our hotel. Of course the streets were once again laid out in circular fashion with little or no posted street signs. We found the Hotel Amadeus conveniently located right by the train tracks - yeah! As fate would have it, Room 23 was on the third floor. Fortunately the steps were wider and straight. However the temperature increased 10 degrees with each flight and there was no air conditioning. Yikes!

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