Thursday, July 25, 2013

Hotel Hoksbergen, Amsterdam

Most of the buildings in Amsterdam are narrow. When they were constructed, people paid taxes bases on the front footage, so everyone built several stories high rather than across. Our hotel is designed in this way. Consequently, we have to climb 3 flights of narrow, steep stairs to get to our room. My feet only fit on each step sideways! Our room is so tiny. It is probably only 10 square feet with a teeny bathroom. There is nothing fancy about it. We have a huge window with openings, but no screens in the windows. Every so often we get a whiff of marijuana that someone is smoking near us. Poor Pam is allergic to the smoke and sneezes incessantly. Pot is everywhere. Someone was toking up at 8:00 this morning. It is everywhere on the streets. Speaking of streets, the good Doctor (Pam) is having trouble navigating because nothing is perpendicular nor logical. Often the streets curve and even change names. I find it difficult to see the names of streets clearly. The other thing that takes getting used to is that you constantly have to dodge cyclists and trams. We were almost run over by a tram. We know better today. There are so many cyclists in the city that there are lanes on either side of the street for them. All kins of people are on bicycles, including businessmen, girls in skirts, young children riding with moms, older people, and girls riding side-saddle with their boyfriends. It is all very cool.

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