Wednesday, January 14, 2015

An Evening in St. Augustine

The past 4 days have been rainy, windy, foggy, and cold. I should define "cold" as temperatures in the upper 50s and lower 60s. One morning I could not even see the ocean for the fog. We need a good dose of sunshine. Yesterday, Tom and Michelle drove up from Edgewater to explore the city of St. Augustine. We were excited that the sun had come out here in Palm Coast, but found out that it was still cloudy and foggy in St. Augustine. The weather didn't stop us from visiting some of the sights and shopping in Old Town.
As the sun went down, we enjoyed the city even more. The Christmas lights were still up bringing an added sparkle to the city. I hope we can go back on a nice day before we leave the area. I have a lot more exploring to do!

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