Saturday, January 31, 2015

Matanzas Inlet

On Thursday, Jan. 29, Earl and I drove a few miles north of our condo to the Matanzas Inlet where the ocean meets the Matanzas River. (By the way, the word "matanzas" means "killings" in Spanish. The river was named Matanzas River because the Spaniards massacred a number of French Huguenots who tried to overtake them near the Matanzas Inlet in the 1500s.) There is a bridge that crosses the inlet and I was curious about the beaches that were on each side of the bodies of water, so I dragged Earl out to explore them. It turns out that you can walk entirely around the inlet on the sand, much to Earl's dismay. You can see how the layout of the area in the picture below, borrowed from the Internet, of course.

We walked all around the inlet, starting with the ocean beach and ending up on the river beach. It was beautiful! We saw so many different shells here and the sand dunes were tremendous. I wasn't sure where we would end up, but I kept singing the "Gilligan's Island" theme song until I saw the boardwalk that would take us back to our car. We had a great time exploring!

Check out the size of the sand dunes!

A view of the bridge from the river.

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