Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Oh My Aching Back!

About a week ago, Earl developed sciatic problems. We don't know if it was due to the long drive down here or the soft bed in our condo. He took muscle relaxers to relieve the problem and consequently slept for 2 days. By Friday, the 9th of January, he made an appointment with a chiropractor in St. Augustine and paid out-of-pocket for the visit. He was still in pain on Saturday and we had to cancel an outing with friends. I actually looked up flight information thinking that I would have to send him home for treatment. On Sunday, he began to feel better and actually had moments that were pain free. He was doing stretching exercises on his own and now sleeping in one of the firm twin beds in the guest room. It is a good thing we had plenty of football to watch on TV. We learned that choosing the right insurance plan under Obama Care is very important. I don't think we will continue with his plan next year. It is very hard to be treated in another state. Let's hope we don't have another incident.

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