Saturday, January 31, 2015

Flagler Beach Pier

Earl and I spent the day packing on Friday, Jan. 30. We were going to pull out on the 31st and head northwest to Live Oak, Florida. We took a break to meet Tom and Michele at Flagler Beach for lunch on the roof of Finns restaurant. It was a perfectly sunny day with temperatures in the upper 60s. While we were eating, a lady at another table asked Earl how the fish tasted. He offered to have her try some to see if she liked it. Wouldn't you know, she took him up on it, but waited to do so until her husband joined her to see how he would react. When her husband arrived, she marched over to our table and dipped her fork into Earl's fish. It was clear that her husband thought she was crazy. We all enjoyed the show!

After lunch we walked on the Flagler Beach pier from which many people fish. The pier extended well into the ocean and the boards on the pier had interesting memorials carved into them. I am ready to move on, but I will miss the history and sights of the Palm Coast.

View of the Flagler Beach Pier:

Views from the pier:

Memorials on the boards of the pier:

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